The World of Curtis Gibby
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My Pictures
- Nathan visits Santa Claus at the mall (2008)
400 x 418
Date last modified: Wed. 10 Dec. 2008
Curtis Gibby
| Wed. 10 Dec. 2008 08:46:34 AM
Audrey refused to go near the jolly old elf, so we only got a photo of Nathan's first visit to Santa.
Related Pictures
Audrey visits Santa Claus at the mall (2007)
Christmas 2006 - Audrey and Sarah visit Santa Claus
Audrey and Nathan, February 2008
Audrey holds Nathan, Sept. 2008
Halloween 2008 - Nathan dressed as a duck
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Audrey does yoga with the Wii Fit
Audrey sleeps on Curtis' tummy
Audrey does yoga with the Wii Fit (2)
Other stuff
Primary Music (helper for LDS Primary Choristers to choose songs)
My resume
Music on my playlist
Genealogy - Histories of some of my pioneer ancestors
Some of my favorite recipes
A speech I wrote about Students and Stress and the Simpsons
A speech I wrote about using the freedom of speech
Sarah's Blog
BuzzAboutBaby - Sarah's crafts for sale
Audrey refused to go near the jolly old elf, so we only got a photo of Nathan's first visit to Santa.