The World of Curtis Gibby
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My Pictures
- Audrey does yoga with the Wii Fit
500 x 371
Date last modified: Thu. 8 Jan. 2009
Curtis Gibby
| Thu. 8 Jan. 2009 08:33:44 PM
I almost didn't post this because of how much of a mess the family room was, but she did such a good job of following the virtual instructor, I had to document it.
Related Pictures
Audrey does yoga with the Wii Fit (2)
Christmas 2006 - Audrey and Sarah visit Santa Claus
Sarah spins Audrey on our faux-wood floor (video)
Curtis and Audrey enjoy a snowy night at Temple Square in Salt Lake City
Sarah and Audrey enjoy a snowy night at Temple Square in Salt Lake City
Return to My Pictures
Random Pictures
The cast and crew of ABC4 AM Express
Audrey pretends to make a sad face (June 2007)
May Birthdays - Sarah and Curtis at the Restaurant
Other stuff
Primary Music (helper for LDS Primary Choristers to choose songs)
My resume
Music on my playlist
Genealogy - Histories of some of my pioneer ancestors
Some of my favorite recipes
A speech I wrote about Students and Stress and the Simpsons
A speech I wrote about using the freedom of speech
Sarah's Blog
BuzzAboutBaby - Sarah's crafts for sale
I almost didn't post this because of how much of a mess the family room was, but she did such a good job of following the virtual instructor, I had to document it.