The World of Curtis Gibby
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My Pictures
My Blog
About Me
My Pictures
- Nathan on the floor (4 weeks old)
640 x 545
Date last modified: Tue. 19 Feb. 2008
Curtis Gibby
| Tue. 19 Feb. 2008 09:32:33 PM
I felt bad for not documenting Nathan's life more on my web site, after seeing so many baby pictures from my friends. (I'm looking squarely at you, Katie C. and Jenny C. -- and especially Emy!) Here's a few photos to make up for it.
Related Pictures
Nathan at two weeks
Curtis holds Nathan at 4 weeks
Sarah spins Audrey on our faux-wood floor (video)
Pregnant Sarah - 36 weeks along (second child)
Sarah pregnant - 17 weeks along (second child)
Return to My Pictures
Random Pictures
2008 California Vacation - Sarah and Audrey in Redwood National Park
Audrey visits Santa Claus at the mall (2007)
Pregnant Sarah - 36 weeks along (second child)
Other stuff
Primary Music (helper for LDS Primary Choristers to choose songs)
My resume
Music on my playlist
Genealogy - Histories of some of my pioneer ancestors
Some of my favorite recipes
A speech I wrote about Students and Stress and the Simpsons
A speech I wrote about using the freedom of speech
Sarah's Blog
BuzzAboutBaby - Sarah's crafts for sale
I felt bad for not documenting Nathan's life more on my web site, after seeing so many baby pictures from my friends. (I'm looking squarely at you, Katie C. and Jenny C. -- and especially Emy!) Here's a few photos to make up for it.