My family’s always had an affinity for the film Young Frankenstein — we’d always get a laugh by saying “What knockers!   Oh, thank you!” or “Frau Blucher {horse whinny}”.   I even caught myself mentally referring to a kid dressed up like Frankenstein’s Monster as a “little zipper-neck” at our ward party the other day.

So it comes as no surprise to me that when Nathan started playing with Audrey’s magic wand the other day, holding it in both hands and bouncing it up and down in front of him, that the first thing that came to mind was the song from the Monster’s debut: “If you’re blue and you don’t know where to go to…”

Nathan puttin' on the  RitzPuttin' on the Ritz

1 comment

  1. Well, it does run in the family. Mom did a dance a few years ago for a RS talent show to that song.

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