I got the chance to laugh at Sarah the other day while we were tossing around names for Baby Brother. (A few weeks ago, we were pretty much settled on Nathan, but we’ve since backed off it.) Our neighbors have a son named Stockton (after Utah Jazz great John Stockton), so Sarah said, “We could… Continue reading You Gotta Love It, Baby
Year: 2008
Fan mail
Yesterday I got an email in Spanish through the contact form on my web site. It came from someone calling himself “rICHARD”, listing a very vague email address. It was titled, “lOSER, PERDEDOR”: wHAT ARE YOU DOING PUBLISHING A PERSONAL PAGE ABOUT YOUR LIFE, DO YOU THINK YOURSELF SOMEONE THAT WOULD BE INTERESTING TO ANYONE,… Continue reading Fan mail
Not quite visions of Sugarplums
Sarah and I spent Christmas Eve night at my parents’ house. Audrey was in the little toddler bed next to our bed. Sometime in the middle of the night, she started talking. “Bob the Builder. Can we fix it? Bob the Builder. Yes we can.” We’d never heard her talk in her sleep before, so… Continue reading Not quite visions of Sugarplums
What I did this year (Utah news 2007)
Today on ABC 4 News, we’re running a fantastic year-ender piece that our editor Kirk Colton put together. I gave him a few suggestions on what important stories to put into the story, then turned him loose — and it turned out really well. Kirk is that kind of guy — very creative, very dependable.… Continue reading What I did this year (Utah news 2007)