Bust-A-Move Bash is way more bust than bash

So last night was a ward/stake Valentine’s dinner and dance.   After a minor babysitter-related trauma (“I don’t like Emily!” repeated about 500 times), we had fun at an adult dinner party at our neighbors’ house, then went over to the Stake Center for the dance.   They were playing some really lame songs, and we only lasted about an hour before we decided to go make our own fun.

While Sarah got the kids to bed, I took the babysitter home and went to the video store to get a Wii game. Sarah had heard that Wario Land: Shake It! was fun, so I picked it up.   It wasn’t until I got home and our friends Brad and Debbie were already over that we realized that it was only a 1-player game.

While Brad and I amused ourselves with Guitar Hero III, Sarah and Debbie went back to the store specifically looking for a 4-player game.   They came home with Bust-A-Move Bash! — advertised to support up to 8 players.

Bust-A-Move Bash!To me, the name “Bust-A-Move Bash!” implies a party atmosphere, but the game was anything but a party.   Instead, it was a tired rehash of a game we had on our computer 10 years ago, Snood. While the rest of us were trying to line up the colors and shoot precisely, Debbie won the first round by randomly pushing buttons.   So that’s what we all did for the second (and final) round, which Sarah ended up winning.   We poked around in the single-player mode for a couple of minutes, but there was nothing interesting to us, so we ended up playing a game that Sarah had bought me for Valentine’s Day a few weeks ago, Boogie.   (Which has its own set of problems.)

Anyway, I didn’t intend to write a whole long story about our night last night, but rather to warn potential purchasers or renters of Bust-A-Move Bash that it’s lame and derivative, with cheesy graphics and annoying music.   My final grade is a D.

1 comment

  1. So, you had fun at an adult party did you? (Sorry, couldn’t help it.) My hubby loves Bust a Move! He had knee surgery several years ago, and borrowed that game from his sister, so he could play it CONSTANTLY while he sat around for the required few days.

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