Since I built this web site, I’ve taken it as a source of pride that I created all of the major functionality from scratch: blog, pictures, links, and so forth. I learned that I could do it on my own.
But since I’ve started using WordPress in other applications, I knew that I wanted to use it for my blog here too. There are just too many cool features that have already been developed by the WP community that I would never get around to coding on my own. So I’ve moved all of the posts from my old blog to a WordPress install, and I’m in the process of bringing over the old comments too. (One casualty was the blog entries in Spanish. I hardly ever bothered to write in it anyway. Lo siento, amigos venezolanos y mexicanos.)
Did I trick you into thinking this would be a motivational post about following the Gospel of Jesus Christ? Sorry. I like being clever with words.