At work, we’re building out a mobile version of our replicated sites. As anyone who’s used an iPhone or Android browser to fill out a web form knows… using an iPhone or Android browser to fill out a web form is really annoying, and it’s best to make things as user-friendly as possible. That’s why I wanted to leverage the power of HTML5 form elements to minimize that annoyance.
On the iPhone, Mobile Safari renders its on-screen keyboard differently for “email,” “tel” and “url” form fields — you automatically get the keys that make the most sense for each specific situation.

However, the version of CakePHP that we’re running our replicated sites on (1.2.5) doesn’t have support for these awesome HTML5 inputs — any unknown input type is automatically rendered as a textarea. (What kind of weird default is that?)
The HTML5 inputs are supported in CakePHP 2.0 (currently in beta), but we’re stuck with 1.2.5 for the time being. Lennaert Ekelmans back-ported that support to 1.3.6, but his solution didn’t work for me out of the box either — apparently there were a couple of changes in the Form helper between 1.2.5 and 1.3.6. So I back-back-ported his code to work with 1.2.5. Here it is:
<?php # app/views/helpers/html5_form.php App::import('Helper', 'Form'); class Html5FormHelper extends FormHelper { /** * Generates a form input element complete with label and wrapper div * * Options - See each field type method for more information. Any options that are part of * $attributes or $options for the different type methods can be included in $options for input(). * * - 'type' - Force the type of widget you want. e.g. ```type => 'select'``` * - 'label' - control the label * - 'div' - control the wrapping div element * - 'options' - for widgets that take options e.g. radio, select * - 'error' - control the error message that is produced * * @param string $fieldName This should be "Modelname.fieldname" * @param array $options Each type of input takes different options. * @return string Completed form widget * * different from regular form helper only in the textarea/default case -- adds support for HTML5 form types and attributes like placeholder * */ function input($fieldName, $options = array()) { $view =& ClassRegistry::getObject('view'); $this->setEntity($fieldName); $entity = join('.', $view->entity()); $defaults = array('before' => null, 'between' => null, 'after' => null); $options = array_merge($defaults, $options); if (!isset($options['type'])) { $options['type'] = 'text'; if (isset($options['options'])) { $options['type'] = 'select'; } elseif (in_array($this->field(), array('psword', 'passwd', 'password'))) { $options['type'] = 'password'; } elseif (isset($this->fieldset['fields'][$entity])) { $fieldDef = $this->fieldset['fields'][$entity]; $type = $fieldDef['type']; $primaryKey = $this->fieldset['key']; } elseif (ClassRegistry::isKeySet($this->model())) { $model =& ClassRegistry::getObject($this->model()); $type = $model->getColumnType($this->field()); $fieldDef = $model->schema(); if (isset($fieldDef[$this->field()])) { $fieldDef = $fieldDef[$this->field()]; } else { $fieldDef = array(); } $primaryKey = $model->primaryKey; } if (isset($type)) { $map = array( 'string' => 'text', 'datetime' => 'datetime', 'boolean' => 'checkbox', 'timestamp' => 'datetime', 'text' => 'textarea', 'time' => 'time', 'date' => 'date', 'float' => 'text' ); if (isset($this->map[$type])) { $options['type'] = $this->map[$type]; } elseif (isset($map[$type])) { $options['type'] = $map[$type]; } if ($this->field() == $primaryKey) { $options['type'] = 'hidden'; } } if ($this->model() === $this->field()) { $options['type'] = 'select'; if (!isset($options['multiple'])) { $options['multiple'] = 'multiple'; } } } $types = array('text', 'checkbox', 'radio', 'select'); if (!isset($options['options']) && in_array($options['type'], $types)) { $view =& ClassRegistry::getObject('view'); $varName = Inflector::variable( Inflector::pluralize(preg_replace('/_id$/', '', $this->field())) ); $varOptions = $view->getVar($varName); if (is_array($varOptions)) { if ($options['type'] !== 'radio') { $options['type'] = 'select'; } $options['options'] = $varOptions; } } $autoLength = (!array_key_exists('maxlength', $options) && isset($fieldDef['length'])); if ($autoLength && $options['type'] == 'text') { $options['maxlength'] = $fieldDef['length']; } if ($autoLength && $fieldDef['type'] == 'float') { $options['maxlength'] = array_sum(explode(',', $fieldDef['length']))+1; } $out = ''; $div = true; $divOptions = array(); if (array_key_exists('div', $options)) { $div = $options['div']; unset($options['div']); } if (!empty($div)) { $divOptions['class'] = 'input'; $divOptions = $this->addClass($divOptions, $options['type']); if (is_string($div)) { $divOptions['class'] = $div; } elseif (is_array($div)) { $divOptions = array_merge($divOptions, $div); } if (in_array($this->field(), $this->fieldset['validates'])) { $divOptions = $this->addClass($divOptions, 'required'); } if (!isset($divOptions['tag'])) { $divOptions['tag'] = 'div'; } } $label = null; if (isset($options['label']) && $options['type'] !== 'radio') { $label = $options['label']; unset($options['label']); } if ($options['type'] === 'radio') { $label = false; if (isset($options['options'])) { if (is_array($options['options'])) { $radioOptions = $options['options']; } else { $radioOptions = array($options['options']); } unset($options['options']); } } if ($label !== false) { $labelAttributes = $this->domId(array(), 'for'); if (in_array($options['type'], array('date', 'datetime'))) { $labelAttributes['for'] .= 'Month'; } else if ($options['type'] === 'time') { $labelAttributes['for'] .= 'Hour'; } if (is_array($label)) { $labelText = null; if (isset($label['text'])) { $labelText = $label['text']; unset($label['text']); } $labelAttributes = array_merge($labelAttributes, $label); } else { $labelText = $label; } if (isset($options['id'])) { $labelAttributes = array_merge($labelAttributes, array('for' => $options['id'])); } $out = $this->label($fieldName, $labelText, $labelAttributes); } $error = null; if (isset($options['error'])) { $error = $options['error']; unset($options['error']); } $selected = null; if (array_key_exists('selected', $options)) { $selected = $options['selected']; unset($options['selected']); } if (isset($options['rows']) || isset($options['cols'])) { $options['type'] = 'textarea'; } $empty = false; if (isset($options['empty'])) { $empty = $options['empty']; unset($options['empty']); } $timeFormat = 12; if (isset($options['timeFormat'])) { $timeFormat = $options['timeFormat']; unset($options['timeFormat']); } $dateFormat = 'MDY'; if (isset($options['dateFormat'])) { $dateFormat = $options['dateFormat']; unset($options['dateFormat']); } $type = $options['type']; $before = $options['before']; $between = $options['between']; $after = $options['after']; unset($options['type'], $options['before'], $options['between'], $options['after']); switch ($type) { case 'hidden': $out = $this->hidden($fieldName, $options); unset($divOptions); break; case 'checkbox': $out = $before . $this->checkbox($fieldName, $options) . $between . $out; break; case 'radio': $out = $before . $out . $this->radio($fieldName, $radioOptions, $options) . $between; break; case 'text': case 'password': $out = $before . $out . $between . $this->{$type}($fieldName, $options); break; case 'file': $out = $before . $out . $between . $this->file($fieldName, $options); break; case 'select': $options = array_merge(array('options' => array()), $options); $list = $options['options']; unset($options['options']); $out = $before . $out . $between . $this->select( $fieldName, $list, $selected, $options, $empty ); break; case 'time': $out = $before . $out . $between . $this->dateTime( $fieldName, null, $timeFormat, $selected, $options, $empty ); break; case 'date': $out = $before . $out . $between . $this->dateTime( $fieldName, $dateFormat, null, $selected, $options, $empty ); break; case 'datetime': $out = $before . $out . $between . $this->dateTime( $fieldName, $dateFormat, $timeFormat, $selected, $options, $empty ); break; case 'textarea': $out = $before . $out . $between . $this->textarea($fieldName, $options + array('cols' => 30, 'rows' => 6)); break; default: $out = $before . $out . $between . $this->defaultInput($type, $fieldName, $options); break; } if ($type != 'hidden') { $out .= $after; if ($error !== false) { $errMsg = $this->error($fieldName, $error); if ($errMsg) { $out .= $errMsg; $divOptions = $this->addClass($divOptions, 'error'); } } } if (isset($divOptions) && isset($divOptions['tag'])) { $tag = $divOptions['tag']; unset($divOptions['tag']); $out = $this->Html->tag($tag, $out, $divOptions); } return $out; } /** * Creates a default input widget, whose type is determined by $options['type']. * * @param string $fieldName Name of a field, in the form "Modelname.fieldname" * @param array $options Array of HTML attributes. * @return string A generated HTML input element * @access public */ function defaultInput($type, $fieldName, $options = array()) { $options = $this->_initInputField($fieldName, array_merge( array('type' => $type), $options )); return sprintf( $this->Html->tags['input'], $options['name'], $this->_parseAttributes($options, array('name'), null, ' ') ); } } ?>
Unlike Lennaert, I chose to extend the regular form helper by creating my own helper class instead of adding the necessary code to Cake’s own form helper. Now I can get good HTML5 form inputs by adding the Html5Form helper to my controller and then calling the following code in my view:
echo $html5Form->input('email', array( 'autofocus' => 'autofocus', 'placeholder' => '', 'type' => 'email', 'label' => __('Email address', true), 'required' => 'required', 'div' => 'required' ) ); echo $html5Form->input('phone', array( 'placeholder' => '801-867-5309', 'type' => 'tel', 'label' => __('Phone', true), 'required' => 'required', 'div' => 'required' ) ); echo $html5Form->input('phone', array( 'placeholder' => '', 'type' => 'url', 'label' => __('Web site', true), 'required' => 'required', 'div' => 'required' ) );
That results in the following HTML:
<div> <label for="ContactEmail">Email address</label> <input name="data[Contact][email]" type="email" autofocus="autofocus" placeholder="" required="required" value="" id="ContactEmail" /> </div> <div> <label for="ContactPhone">Phone</label> <input name="data[Contact][phone]" type="tel" placeholder="801-867-5309" required="required" value="" id="ContactPhone" /> </div> <div> <label for="ContactPhone">Web site</label> <input name="data[Contact][phone]" type="url" placeholder="" required="required" value="" id="ContactPhone" /> </div>
(There doesn’t seem to be an easy way to output HTML5’s standalone attributes as simply autofocus or required rather than the more verbose XHTML-ish autofocus = ‘autofocus’ or required = ‘true’ — without hacking the CakePHP base helper class. I’m okay with this slightly lengthier version for now though.)
If you find this code useful, let me know in the comments.