A while back I wrote about the web service I was using to listen to music at work, MediaMaster. (It’s also much better now than I imply in that blog entry — they now have a newer Flash-based browswer service that’s not slow and clunky, my main complaints before.) But a few weeks ago,… Continue reading Pandora Rox!
Author: Curtis Gibby
Early-morning musings of a 9-month-old
Based on real events of the morning of Nov. 1, 2008 What’s this? I’m awake all of a sudden. Judging by how dark it still is, probably about 4:30 in the morning. So long as I’m up, the rest of the family might as well be. Let’s start wailing to see if… Continue reading Early-morning musings of a 9-month-old
My family’s always had an affinity for the film Young Frankenstein — we’d always get a laugh by saying “What knockers! Oh, thank you!” or “Frau Blucher {horse whinny}”. I even caught myself mentally referring to a kid dressed up like Frankenstein’s Monster as a “little zipper-neck” at our ward party the other… Continue reading PUTTIN’ ON THE RITZ!
A Change Would Do Me Good
After more than 5 years working graveyards and weekends in news, I decided that I was ready for a more family-friendly schedule. I started looking for a new job, either in or out of the journalism industry, and last week I found it through a Craigslist ad. It was for a PHP/MySQL developer… Continue reading A Change Would Do Me Good
Baby update
You’ve all been asking yourselves, “Where’s our 7 and a half month old update on Nathan Gibby?” Right here, that’s where. Nathan has become a very busy baby. He got into the commando scoot about a month ago, but now he’s full-on into crawling, and he’ll go anywhere in the room if you… Continue reading Baby update
Breaking the Habit *
Since Audrey was a very young baby, she has sucked her thumb. It was great for us when she was tiny, because it meant she could comfort herself and stay asleep all night. No 2 a.m. feeding for that 7-month-old! (You hear me, Nathan?!) But for the last year or so, it… Continue reading Breaking the Habit *
City Girl
We had a great time camping with the Gibbys at Box Elder Campground near Mantua this week. Audrey had a ton of fun running around with her second cousins the Shaw kids. This was her first-ever camping trip. I realized that I’m raising a city girl when we were walking down a little… Continue reading City Girl
We’re related!
I added a new feature to my picture pages last night — a listing of related photos. Now when you click on the photo of me with a parrot on my shoulder in Machiques Venezuela, you’ll also see a thumbnail version of me standing on the model of the solar system in the same… Continue reading We’re related!
More shilling
Sarah has another new web site! This one is called HappyHeadbands.com — and as you may have guessed, she sells headbands. They’re really cool, with velcro on the back to keep them from slipping. She sells her head bands online at http://www.happyheadbands.com for just $5 each! And another client web site to mention… Continue reading More shilling
Sarah’s Buzzing! (or, Pimping Buzz About Baby)
Sarah has launched a web-based business called Buzz About Baby, selling crafty things that she has created — nursing covers (a.k.a. Hooter Hiders or Knocker Blockers), binky clips, grab-and-go diaper holders, taggy ribbon toys for babies, and no-slip headbands. Her prices are much lower than any other place she’s found online. Her web site is… Continue reading Sarah’s Buzzing! (or, Pimping Buzz About Baby)