Make your voice heard!

I’ve added a new feature to the web site: comments. You can now make your voice heard on any of my pictures, blog entries, or recipes by clicking on the “Add a comment” link that the bottom of the page. Let’s hear what you all have to say!

LDS Music – Seminary Soundtracks on MP3

For years, the LDS Church has published the soundtracks to its seminary videos on CD. But a few months ago, they decided to let anyone download any or all of the songs in MP3 format from the internet for free. You can get all four albums at this site:,17631,6611-1,00.html. Right now, I’m listening to… Continue reading LDS Music – Seminary Soundtracks on MP3

Site Update (CSS Goodness)

I’ve updated the site to make everything CSS-compliant and pretty. Under the old design, Sarah had told me not to tell people about the site because “it doesn’t look good.” It took a lot of work, but should be worthwhile in that it helped me learn CSS.