City Girl

We had a great time camping with the Gibbys at Box Elder Campground near Mantua this week.   Audrey had a ton of fun running around with her second cousins the Shaw kids.   This was her first-ever camping trip. I realized that I’m raising a city girl when we were walking down a little… Continue reading City Girl

Spewing Audrey Out

Audrey has never been a big fan of hot meals. Since she was a baby, we’ve had to put her food in the freezer after it’s pulled out of the oven before she’d eat it. (For a while, she even thought the blessing on the food was so that her food could get cold.) But… Continue reading Spewing Audrey Out

And baby makes four

This morning Sarah woke up at 2:15 with pretty strong contractions. She got me up soon after, and we called for Becca (her sister and doula) to come help with the labor. We looked out the window and saw that it had snowed quite a bit overnight, so the roads were pretty bad. Becca and… Continue reading And baby makes four

Decking the Halls

We got all of our Christmas lights set up this week. Sarah’s game plan has been to add one strand of lights to our house every year — this year we’re up to four, spanning the entire front of the house and the railing going up to our front door. We also put up our… Continue reading Decking the Halls

Baby announcement! (Oh boy!)

We’ve got a big announcement for everyone! We’re happy to tell you that we’re expecting a little boy — at our ultrasound today the tech told us that Sarah’s probably due at the end of January 2008. It took them a while to officially determine the gender, but we’re pretty confident in the results —… Continue reading Baby announcement! (Oh boy!)

Freaking over flies

For the last few weeks, Audrey has been afraid of bugs in general, flies in particular. Every time she’d see one, she’d get agitated and shout at it, “Go ‘way, f’y!” (Her l’s are non-existent at this time. She doesn’t have r’s down yet either.) But a couple of days ago we were in the… Continue reading Freaking over flies