Since I built this web site, I’ve taken it as a source of pride that I created all of the major functionality from scratch: blog, pictures, links, and so forth. I learned that I could do it on my own. But since I’ve started using WordPress in other applications, I knew that I wanted to… Continue reading Let Us All Press On
Category: Programming
CakePHP containable order
I’m developing in CakePHP at work, and I was trying to do a sort on a contained model. As in, for all of the Foos, get all the related Bars, but order the Bars by Bar.publish_date (or whatever). I kept getting conflicting information about whether that was even possible and how to go about… Continue reading CakePHP containable order
New beginnings
Today is a big day for me and my family. Today I start my new job with E-Harbor — doing PHP programming for an e-commerce company. A little bit different from what I have been doing at RM Plus, but not too much of a change. My other exciting news is that I’m… Continue reading New beginnings
Automatically back up your Facebook Status Updates
[update below about Facebook app that shows old status updates] I like the idea of using my Facebook Status Updates as a miniature journal, but unless you want to copy and paste them out, it’s tough to archive them. Until now! You can now automatically get every status update emailed to you for easy backup… Continue reading Automatically back up your Facebook Status Updates
UPS WorldShip crashes caused by new version of MySQL ODBC driver
At work, I’m in charge of getting information into and out of a big database of orders. That includes linking the shipping information to the UPS WorldShip program that our fulfillment team uses to automatically buy UPS service. When the computer they’d been using out there for years just got too terribly slow, we… Continue reading UPS WorldShip crashes caused by new version of MySQL ODBC driver
Prototype tablekit beats jQuery tablesorter by a mile
Since I’m trying to become a better programmer, I’m updating my web site for a better user experience. I originally built the pictures and recipes pages with SQL-based sorts, so that the user would click on a link that would reload the page with results sorted by the relevant column. Since going to work… Continue reading Prototype tablekit beats jQuery tablesorter by a mile
We’re related!
I added a new feature to my picture pages last night — a listing of related photos. Now when you click on the photo of me with a parrot on my shoulder in Machiques Venezuela, you’ll also see a thumbnail version of me standing on the model of the solar system in the same… Continue reading We’re related!
Goodbye Greasemonkey
I’ve taken down the Greasemonkey userscript section of this web site. I found that not even I was using it — uploading the files to was much easier and useful. So now the link above redirects to my list of scripts at
A new venture – West Valley Web
I’ve decided to start a freelance web design company to help small businesses in the Salt Lake Valley (specifically the West Valley City area) get online. Since I speak Spanish, I’m especially trying to find latino-run businesses whose owners might be intimidated by the Internet. Of course, I plan to deal with both English- and… Continue reading A new venture – West Valley Web
Make your voice heard!
I’ve added a new feature to the web site: comments. You can now make your voice heard on any of my pictures, blog entries, or recipes by clicking on the “Add a comment” link that the bottom of the page. Let’s hear what you all have to say!