Christmas Letter 2008
Click on each ornament to see what we've been up to this year.
Gibby Family
We have had a full and fun year, with a new job and a new baby! We share our warmest thoughts with you during this holiday season.
We stayed pretty close to home this year, with only a few small vacations: a camping trip with the extended Gibbys, a weekend at the Gibby Cabin in Fairview in July, and a car trip to northern California to pick up the Durkee kids for the summer. (More on the trip)
Curtis spent a huge portion of the year in front of a computer. Between work, reading tech news and blogs, and goofing around on Facebook, Curtis was staring at a screen for easily more than half of his waking hours. (Much to Sarah's dismay!) Also adding to his screen time, playing Guitar Hero -- at his family's house, and since we bought our own Wii, at home. (More on the Wii)
After five years of working as a producer for ABC 4 News in Salt Lake City, Curtis took a Web Programmer job with a company in Orem called Rocky Mountain Printing. He gets to put his PHP/MySQL skills to good use, but the 45-minute commute is getting a little old, especially on snowy days. Overall, though, it's a very good change. (More on the new job)
Sarah's had twice as much fun as a mom this year, with the birth of Nathan in January. (She hasn't had 10 nights of good sleep since then, but she's happy regardless.) She blogs about "the fun and frustrations of a young family, their accomplishments and antics, along with my thoughts on life in general" at
This summer, Sarah started making binky clips, nursing covers, headbands and other "Mommy" stuff. She sells them online at and She also went to several boutiques as a vendor in November and December, which made for a very busy holiday season for us. (More on Sarah's crafts)
Audrey is 3 and a half. She enjoys going to pre-school with some neighbors her age and learning the letters of the alphabet. She can spell her first and last name and will tell you her telephone number on demand. She loves to play on the computer, clicking around on PBS Kids or Nick Jr. for long times while Mommy is busy with sewing projects or taking care of Nathan.
Audrey has become a very good big sister, sharing things with Nathan and doing silly things to entertain him. She makes him laugh so much!
Nathan was born on a snowy, stormy morning in January -- getting to the hospital was quite the adventure (More on the birth). Since then, he has become quite the little adventurer, cruising all over the house and getting into anything he can reach.
Nathan is much more talkative than Audrey was at this age, and he's got a few recognizable words. He also took his first tentative steps in the last couple of days, but he's not walking by any means. (More on Nathan's tricks).