Group |
Description |
Filename |
Date last modified |
View |
Family (Filter) |
Pregnant Sarah - 40 Weeks (third child) |
2010_Sarah-Pregnant-40-Weeks.jpg |
Mon. 13 Sep. 2010 |
Family (Filter) |
Pregnant Sarah - 39 Weeks (third child) |
2010_Sarah-Pregnant-39-Weeks.jpg |
Sun. 5 Sep. 2010 |
Family (Filter) |
Pregnant Sarah - 38 Weeks (third child) |
2010_Sarah-Pregnant-38-Weeks.jpg |
Sun. 29 Aug. 2010 |
Family (Filter) |
Audrey spells vegetable |
2010_AudreyVegetable.jpg |
Tue. 24 Aug. 2010 |
Family (Filter) |
Pregnant Sarah - 37 Weeks (third child) |
2010_Sarah-Pregnant-37-Weeks.jpg |
Mon. 23 Aug. 2010 |
Family (Filter) |
Pregnant Sarah - 36 Weeks (third child) |
2010_Sarah-Pregnant-36-Weeks.jpg |
Tue. 17 Aug. 2010 |
Family (Filter) |
Pregnant Sarah - 35 Weeks (third child) |
2010_Sarah-Pregnant-35-Weeks.jpg |
Sun. 8 Aug. 2010 |
Family (Filter) |
Pregnant Sarah - 34 Weeks (third child) |
2010_Sarah-Pregnant-34-Weeks.jpg |
Tue. 3 Aug. 2010 |
Family (Filter) |
Pregnant Sarah - 33 Weeks (third child) |
2010_Sarah-Pregnant-33-Weeks.jpg |
Tue. 3 Aug. 2010 |
Family (Filter) |
Nathan playing miniature golf |
2010_NathanGolf.jpg |
Tue. 13 Jul. 2010 |
Family (Filter) |
Audrey on the bumper boat at her birthday party |
2010_AudreyBumperBoat.jpg |
Tue. 13 Jul. 2010 |
Family (Filter) |
5-year old Audrey with her butterfly cupcake cake |
2010_AudreyBirthdayCake.jpg |
Tue. 13 Jul. 2010 |
Family (Filter) |
Audrey playing at the Highland Splash Park |
2010_Splash-Park-Audrey.jpg |
Wed. 30 Jun. 2010 |
Family (Filter) |
Nathan playing at the Highland Splash Park |
2010_Splash-Park-Nathan.jpg |
Wed. 30 Jun. 2010 |
Family (Filter) |
Pregnant Sarah - 29 Weeks (third child) |
2010_Sarah-Pregnant-29-Weeks.jpg |
Mon. 28 Jun. 2010 |
Family (Filter) |
Pregnant Sarah - 28 Weeks (third child) |
2010_Sarah-Pregnant-28-Weeks.jpg |
Mon. 21 Jun. 2010 |
Family (Filter) |
Pregnant Sarah - 27 Weeks (third child) |
2010_Sarah-Pregnant-27-Weeks.jpg |
Mon. 21 Jun. 2010 |
Vacation (Filter) |
Disneyland 2010 - Curtis and Sarah |
2010_Disneyland-Sarah-Curtis.jpg |
Thu. 17 Jun. 2010 |
Vacation (Filter) |
Disneyland 2010 - Worn-out Nathan |
2010_Disneyland-Curtis-Sarah-Nathan-Sleeping.jpg |
Thu. 17 Jun. 2010 |
Vacation (Filter) |
Disneyland 2010 - Audrey and Alaura on a Rollercoaster |
2010_Disneyland-Audrey-Alaura-Coaster.jpg |
Thu. 17 Jun. 2010 |
Vacation (Filter) |
Disneyland 2010 - The Gibby Family with Mickey Mouse |
2010_Disneyland-Family-Mickey.jpg |
Thu. 17 Jun. 2010 |
Vacation (Filter) |
Disneyland 2010 - Nathan and Minnie |
2010_Disneyland-Nathan-Minnie.jpg |
Thu. 17 Jun. 2010 |
Vacation (Filter) |
Disneyland 2010 - The Gibby Family in front of Sleeping Beauty's Castle |
2010_Disneyland-Family-Castle.jpg |
Thu. 17 Jun. 2010 |
Vacation (Filter) |
Disneyland 2010 - Curtis and Nathan with Buzz Lightyear |
2010_Disneyland-Curtis-Nathan-Buzz-Lightyear.jpg |
Thu. 17 Jun. 2010 |
Vacation (Filter) |
Disneyland 2010 - Audrey and Nathan with Princess Aurora |
2010_Disneyland-Audrey-Nathan-Princess-Aurora.jpg |
Thu. 17 Jun. 2010 |
Vacation (Filter) |
Disneyland 2010 - Sarah and Audrey eat PB&Js |
2010_Disneyland-Sarah-Audrey-lunch.jpg |
Thu. 17 Jun. 2010 |
Family (Filter) |
Pregnant Sarah - 25 Weeks (third child) |
2010_Sarah-Pregnant-25-Weeks.jpg |
Sun. 30 May. 2010 |
Family (Filter) |
Audrey graduating from preschool |
2010_Audrey-Preschool-Graduation.jpg |
Sun. 30 May. 2010 |
Family (Filter) |
2-year-old Nathan in a ballerina tutu |
2010_Nathan-Ballerina.jpg |
Sun. 30 May. 2010 |
Family (Filter) |
Audrey getting a butterfly painted on her face |
2010_Carnival-Audrey-Face-Paint.jpg |
Sun. 16 May. 2010 |
Family (Filter) |
Nathan with a star painted on his face |
2010_Carnival-Nathan-Face-Paint.jpg |
Sun. 16 May. 2010 |
Family (Filter) |
Nathan with a silly grin |
2010_Nathan-Grin.jpg |
Sun. 16 May. 2010 |
Pretty (Filter) |
The spring blossoms on our apple tree |
2010_Apple-Blossoms.jpg |
Sun. 16 May. 2010 |
Family (Filter) |
Pregnant Sarah - 23 Weeks (third child) |
2010_Sarah-Pregnant-23-Weeks.jpg |
Sun. 16 May. 2010 |
Family (Filter) |
Pregnant Sarah - 22 Weeks (third child) |
2010_Sarah-Pregnant-22-Weeks.jpg |
Sun. 16 May. 2010 |
Me (Filter) |
Me with the brush fire in our back yard |
2010_Curtis-Brush-Fire.jpg |
Sun. 2 May. 2010 |
Family (Filter) |
Pregnant Sarah - 18 Weeks (third child) |
2010_Sarah-Pregnant-18-Weeks.jpg |
Sun. 2 May. 2010 |
Family (Filter) |
Nathan's 2nd Birthday -- with Sarah |
2010_Nathan_Birthday_Sarah.jpg |
Sun. 24 Jan. 2010 |
Family (Filter) |
Nathan's 2nd Birthday -- playing with his toy train |
2010_Nathan_Birthday_train.jpg |
Sun. 24 Jan. 2010 |
Family (Filter) |
Curtis and Sarah Gibby family -- December 2009 |
2009_FamilyChristmas.jpg |
Sun. 24 Jan. 2010 |
Vacation (Filter) |
2009 Hawaii Vacation - Curtis and Sarah |
2009_Hawaii_Curtis_Sarah.jpg |
Sun. 24 Jan. 2010 |
Vacation (Filter) |
2009 Hawaii Vacation - Sunrise |
2009_Hawaii_Sunrise.jpg |
Sun. 24 Jan. 2010 |
Family (Filter) |
Nathan swinging at the park (video) |
Easter2009-NathanSwinging.flv |
Wed. 11 Nov. 2009 |
Camping (Filter) |
Gibby Campout 2009 - Curtis in the Rally car 2 |
2009_camping_CurtisRallyRide2.jpg |
Sat. 5 Sep. 2009 |
Camping (Filter) |
Gibby Campout 2009 - Curtis and Nathan in the warm pool at Crystal Hot Springs |
2009_camping_CurtisNathanPool.jpg |
Sat. 5 Sep. 2009 |
Camping (Filter) |
Gibby Campout 2009 - Dirt on one of the rally cars after they finished |
2009_camping_DirtyCar.jpg |
Sat. 5 Sep. 2009 |
Camping (Filter) |
Gibby Campout 2009 - Curtis in the Rally car 1 |
2009_camping_CurtisRallyRide1.jpg |
Sat. 5 Sep. 2009 |
Camping (Filter) |
Gibby Campout 2009 - Curtis, Audrey, Nathan |
2009_camping_CurtisAudreyNathan.jpg |
Sat. 5 Sep. 2009 |
Vacation (Filter) |
Gibby Cabin - Sunset |
2009_cabin_Sunset.jpg |
Mon. 17 Aug. 2009 |
Vacation (Filter) |
Gibby Cabin - Dad and Scott put rocks into place |
2009_cabin_DadScottRock.jpg |
Mon. 17 Aug. 2009 |
Family (Filter) |
A portrait of the Curtis and Sarah Gibby family, August 2009 |
2009_cabin_CSfamily.jpg |
Mon. 17 Aug. 2009 |
Family (Filter) |
Nathan dances at the Steel Days parade |
2009_SteelDaysParade_NathanDancing.jpg |
Sat. 18 Jul. 2009 |
Family (Filter) |
Audrey and Nathan watch the Steel Days parade |
2009_SteelDaysParade_Kids.jpg |
Sat. 18 Jul. 2009 |
Family (Filter) |
4-year-old Audrey with her ladybug birthday cake |
2009_4yoAudreyAndCake.jpg |
Sat. 18 Jul. 2009 |
Family (Filter) |
Audrey and Nathan in the play castle |
2009_KidsCastle.jpg |
Sun. 12 Jul. 2009 |
Family (Filter) |
Sarah and the kids at Bridal Veil Falls |
2009_Bridal_Veil_Family.jpg |
Sun. 12 Jul. 2009 |
General (Filter) |
Bridal Veil Falls, Provo Canyon, Utah |
2009_Bridal_Veil_Falls.jpg |
Sun. 12 Jul. 2009 |
Family (Filter) |
Lunch time for Sarah and Nathan |
2009_boatingSarahNathan.jpg |
Wed. 8 Jul. 2009 |
Me (Filter) |
Catching some air on the tube |
2009_boatingCurtisTube.jpg |
Wed. 8 Jul. 2009 |
Family (Filter) |
Audrey happy to be going for a boat ride |
2009_boatingAudrey.jpg |
Wed. 8 Jul. 2009 |
Sarah (Filter) |
Curtis and Sarah - Best Friends (video) |
Curtis_Sarah_Best_Friends.flv |
Wed. 6 May. 2009 |
Family (Filter) |
Nathan plays the piano |
2009_Nathan_piano.jpg |
Wed. 8 Apr. 2009 |
Family (Filter) |
Nathan at 14 months |
2009_Nathan_14_months.jpg |
Wed. 8 Apr. 2009 |
Family (Filter) |
Audrey on the trampoline (3 and 1/2 years old) |
2009_Audrey_trampoline.jpg |
Wed. 8 Apr. 2009 |
Baby (Filter) |
Messy Nathan eating his 1-year-old birthday cake |
2009_Nathan_birthday_cake_messy.jpg |
Sun. 25 Jan. 2009 |
Baby (Filter) |
Nathan with his 1-year-old birthday cake |
2009_Nathan_birthday_cake.jpg |
Sun. 25 Jan. 2009 |
Family (Filter) |
Audrey does yoga with the Wii Fit (2) |
2009_Audrey_Yoga2.jpg |
Thu. 8 Jan. 2009 |
Family (Filter) |
Audrey does yoga with the Wii Fit |
2009_Audrey_Yoga1.jpg |
Thu. 8 Jan. 2009 |
Baby (Filter) |
Nathan walking with a Christmas popcorn can (video) |
2008_nathan_driving.flv |
Tue. 23 Dec. 2008 |
Family (Filter) |
Audrey holds Nathan, Sept. 2008 |
2008_kids_hug.jpg |
Sat. 20 Dec. 2008 |
Family (Filter) |
Audrey, 3 years old |
audrey3years.jpg |
Sat. 20 Dec. 2008 |
Family (Filter) |
Curtis and Sarah Gibby family, December 2008 |
2008_December_family_portrait.jpg |
Sat. 20 Dec. 2008 |
Family (Filter) |
Sarah sewing |
2008_sarah_sewing.jpg |
Sat. 20 Dec. 2008 |
Baby (Filter) |
Nathan visits Santa Claus at the mall (2008) |
2008_Nathan_Santa.jpg |
Wed. 10 Dec. 2008 |
Baby (Filter) |
Nathan standing by himself (10 months old) |
2008_Nathan_Standing.jpg |
Thu. 27 Nov. 2008 |
Family (Filter) |
Halloween 2008 - Nathan dressed as a duck |
2008_HalloweenNathanDuck.jpg |
Sat. 1 Nov. 2008 |
Family (Filter) |
Halloween 2008 - Audrey dressed as a dancing princess |
2008_HalloweenAudreyDancingPrincess.jpg |
Sat. 1 Nov. 2008 |
Family (Filter) |
Halloween 2008 - Audrey dressed as a ladybug |
2008_HalloweenAudreyLadybug.jpg |
Sat. 1 Nov. 2008 |
Family (Filter) |
Audrey holds her new cousin Laura |
2008_AudreyLaura.jpg |
Sat. 1 Nov. 2008 |
Baby (Filter) |
Nathan throwing his hands up |
2008_NathanOllie.jpg |
Sat. 1 Nov. 2008 |
Work (Filter) |
Goodbye ABC 4 - The morning meeting |
2008_GoodbyeABC4-MorningMeeting.jpg |
Sat. 1 Nov. 2008 |
Work (Filter) |
Goodbye ABC 4 - Me with the folks from Good Things Utah |
2008_GoodbyeABC4-CurtisGTU.jpg |
Sat. 1 Nov. 2008 |
Baby (Filter) |
Nathan holding a magic wand |
2008_Nathan_Ritz.jpg |
Sun. 26 Oct. 2008 |
Me (Filter) |
Me with our new plasma TV |
2008_curtis_tv.jpg |
Thu. 28 Aug. 2008 |
Family (Filter) |
Audrey happily riding Trax with her Durkee cousins |
2008_Trax_HappyAudrey.jpg |
Wed. 13 Aug. 2008 |
Baby (Filter) |
Nathan sitting up by himself (6 1/2 months) |
Nathan_sitting.jpg |
Wed. 13 Aug. 2008 |
Baby (Filter) |
Nathan eats rice cereal for the first time |
2008_NathanRiceCereal.jpg |
Wed. 16 Jul. 2008 |
Baby (Filter) |
Unhappy Nathan in the fountain at Liberty Park |
2008_LibertyPark_UnhappyNathan.jpg |
Wed. 16 Jul. 2008 |
Vacation (Filter) |
Gibby Cabin - Curtis and Nathan entranced by the Sega Genesis |
2008_Cabin_CurtisNathanSega.jpg |
Wed. 16 Jul. 2008 |
Family (Filter) |
3-year-old Audrey with her princess birthday cake |
2008_3yoAudreyAndCake.jpg |
Wed. 16 Jul. 2008 |
Baby (Filter) |
Nathan reaches for a toy (5 1/2 months) |
2008NathanReachesForToy.jpg |
Wed. 16 Jul. 2008 |
Vacation (Filter) |
2008 California Vacation - Curtis and Nathan with pirate hats |
CaliforniaVacation08_CurtisNathanPirates.jpg |
Wed. 16 Jul. 2008 |
Vacation (Filter) |
2008 California Vacation - Curtis' assessment of Room 126 at the Atlantis resort hotel |
CaliforniaVacation08-Atlantis-CurtisThumbsDown.jpg |
Thu. 12 Jun. 2008 |
Vacation (Filter) |
2008 California Vacation - Audrey at an amazing McDonald's playland |
CaliforniaVacation08-McDonalds-Audrey.jpg |
Thu. 12 Jun. 2008 |
Vacation (Filter) |
2008 California Vacation - Curtis in Redwood National Park |
CaliforniaVacation08-Redwoods-Curtis.jpg |
Thu. 12 Jun. 2008 |
Vacation (Filter) |
2008 California Vacation - Sarah and Audrey in Redwood National Park |
CaliforniaVacation08-Redwoods-SarahAudrey.jpg |
Thu. 12 Jun. 2008 |
Me (Filter) |
Beardo, Mustache Man, and Just Plain Curtis |
beard_mustache_plain.jpg |
Tue. 27 May. 2008 |
Baby (Filter) |
Nathan's face at four months |
nathan_face_4_months.jpg |
Tue. 20 May. 2008 |
House (Filter) |
Audrey playing on our new swing set |
swingset.jpg |
Tue. 20 May. 2008 |
Baby (Filter) |
A portrait of Nathan at 3 months old |
Nathan_portrait_3_months.jpg |
Sat. 3 May. 2008 |
House (Filter) |
Tile project - Sarah draws amid chaos upstairs |
TileProject-SarahDrawsUpstairs.jpg |
Fri. 18 Apr. 2008 |
House (Filter) |
Tile project - Sarah wipes up grout downstairs |
TileProject-SarahWipesDownstairs.jpg |
Fri. 18 Apr. 2008 |
Family (Filter) |
Sarah holds Audrey and Nathan (April 2008) |
SarahAudreyNathan_April2008.jpg |
Fri. 18 Apr. 2008 |
Family (Filter) |
Nursing - Sarah with Nathan, Audrey with Pooh |
Nursing-SarahwithNathanAudreywithPooh.jpg |
Fri. 18 Apr. 2008 |
Family (Filter) |
Audrey with a cardboard Snow White at Disney on Ice |
DisneyOnIce-AudreyWithSnowWhite.jpg |
Wed. 26 Mar. 2008 |
Family (Filter) |
Curtis and Audrey smiling at Disney on Ice |
DisneyOnIce-CurtisAudreyAtArena.jpg |
Wed. 26 Mar. 2008 |
Family (Filter) |
Sad sick Audrey on the princess throne at Disney on Ice |
DisneyOnIce-SadSickAudreyOnThrone.jpg |
Wed. 26 Mar. 2008 |
Baby (Filter) |
Nathan smiles in the swing |
NathanSmilingInTheSwing.jpg |
Tue. 25 Mar. 2008 |
Family (Filter) |
Audrey swinging on our neighbor's swing-set |
2008EasterEggHunt-AudreySwinging.jpg |
Tue. 25 Mar. 2008 |
Family (Filter) |
Easter Egg Hunt - Proud Audrey with her basket |
2008EasterEggHunt-AudreyProudWithBasket.jpg |
Tue. 25 Mar. 2008 |
Family (Filter) |
Easter Egg Hunt - Audrey runs to find eggs |
2008EasterEggHunt-AudreyRunning.jpg |
Tue. 25 Mar. 2008 |
Baby (Filter) |
Nathan takes a bath |
NathansBathMarch2008.jpg |
Tue. 4 Mar. 2008 |
Family (Filter) |
Gibby family portrait, February 2008 |
Gibby_family_portrait_Feb2008.jpg |
Wed. 20 Feb. 2008 |
Family (Filter) |
Audrey and Nathan, February 2008 |
audrey_nathan_portrait_feb08.jpg |
Wed. 20 Feb. 2008 |
Family (Filter) |
Audrey in an Easter dress, February 2008 |
audrey_easter_2008.jpg |
Wed. 20 Feb. 2008 |
Family (Filter) |
Nathan and Audrey pose with a birthday cake |
Nathan_at_home_-_Nathan_Audrey_and_Cake.jpg |
Tue. 19 Feb. 2008 |
Family (Filter) |
Messy Audrey eating chocolate cake batter |
messy_Audrey_with_cake_batter.jpg |
Tue. 19 Feb. 2008 |
Baby (Filter) |
Curtis holding Nathan on the couch |
Curtis_holding_Nathan_on_the_couch.jpg |
Tue. 19 Feb. 2008 |
Family (Filter) |
A portrait of Audrey at 2 and 1/2 years |
Audrey_on_the_couch.jpg |
Tue. 19 Feb. 2008 |
Baby (Filter) |
Nathan on the floor (4 weeks old) |
Nathan_on_the_floor_4_weeks.jpg |
Tue. 19 Feb. 2008 |
Baby (Filter) |
Curtis holding Nathan on Audrey's shoulders |
Nathan_on_Audreys_shoulders.jpg |
Tue. 19 Feb. 2008 |
Baby (Filter) |
Curtis holds Nathan at 4 weeks |
Curtis_holding_Nathan_4_weeks.jpg |
Tue. 19 Feb. 2008 |
Baby (Filter) |
Nathan (15 days old) looks attentively at Sarah |
nathan_home_sarah.jpg |
Tue. 5 Feb. 2008 |
Baby (Filter) |
Curtis holds a yawning Nathan (15 days old) |
nathan_home_curtis.jpg |
Tue. 5 Feb. 2008 |
Baby (Filter) |
Nathan at two weeks |
nathan_home.jpg |
Tue. 5 Feb. 2008 |
Baby (Filter) |
Labor and Delivery - Curtis kisses Sarah on the forehead while Nathan rests |
Labor_and_Delivery_2008_-_Sarah_Curtis_Nathan_kiss.jpg |
Wed. 30 Jan. 2008 |
Baby (Filter) |
Labor and Delivery - Nathan rests on Sarah's chest right after birth |
Labor_and_Delivery_2008_-_Sarah_Nathan.jpg |
Wed. 30 Jan. 2008 |
Baby (Filter) |
Labor and Delivery - Audrey and Curtis talk while holding Nathan |
Labor_and_Delivery_2008_-_Audrey_Curtis_Nathan2.jpg |
Wed. 30 Jan. 2008 |
Baby (Filter) |
Labor and Delivery - Nathan getting dressed to go home |
Labor_and_Delivery_2008_-_Nathan_getting_dressed.jpg |
Wed. 30 Jan. 2008 |
Baby (Filter) |
Labor and Delivery - Curtis, Audrey and Nathan pose in the hospital room |
Labor_and_Delivery_2008_-_Audrey_Curtis_Nathan.jpg |
Wed. 30 Jan. 2008 |
Baby (Filter) |
Labor and Delivery - Big sister Audrey tickles Nathan |
Labor_and_Delivery_2008_-_Audrey_tickles_Nathan.jpg |
Wed. 30 Jan. 2008 |
Baby (Filter) |
Labor and Delivery - Nathan on the scale (8 pounds 2 ounces) |
Labor_and_Delivery_2008_-_Nathan_on_the_scale_8lbs_2oz.jpg |
Wed. 30 Jan. 2008 |
Baby (Filter) |
Labor and Delivery - Nathan's first bath in the hospital sink |
Labor_and_Delivery_2008_-_Nathans_first_bath.jpg |
Mon. 21 Jan. 2008 |
Baby (Filter) |
Labor and Delivery - Audrey looks at Nathan |
Labor_and_Delivery_2008_-_Audrey_looks_at_Nathan.jpg |
Mon. 21 Jan. 2008 |
Baby (Filter) |
Labor and Delivery - The new and improved Curtis Gibby family (Curtis, Audrey, Nathan and Sarah) |
Labor_and_Delivery_2008_-_Curtis_Sarah_Audrey_Nathan.jpg |
Mon. 21 Jan. 2008 |
Baby (Filter) |
Pregnant Sarah - 36 weeks along (second child) |
sarah-pregnant-36-weeks-second-child.jpg |
Thu. 3 Jan. 2008 |
Baby (Filter) |
Pregnant Sarah - 31 weeks along (second child) |
sarah-pregnant-31-weeks-second-child.jpg |
Thu. 6 Dec. 2007 |
Family (Filter) |
Audrey sleeping in our blanket box |
Audrey-sleeps-blanket-box.jpg |
Sat. 1 Dec. 2007 |
Family (Filter) |
Audrey visits Santa Claus at the mall (2007) |
audrey-visits-Santa-2007.jpg |
Thu. 29 Nov. 2007 |
Baby (Filter) |
Pregnant Sarah - 30 weeks along (second child) |
sarah-pregnant-30-weeks-second-child.jpg |
Thu. 29 Nov. 2007 |
Baby (Filter) |
Pregnant Sarah - 29 weeks along (second child) |
sarah-pregnant-29-weeks-second-child.jpg |
Wed. 21 Nov. 2007 |
Family (Filter) |
Audrey with funny googly eyes |
AudreyGooglyeyes.jpg |
Wed. 21 Nov. 2007 |
Family (Filter) |
Audrey sends holiday greetings from the bathtub (video) |
AudreyBathBeard-HoHoHo.flv |
Wed. 21 Nov. 2007 |
Family (Filter) |
Halloween 2007 - Audrey dressed as a nice bear |
Halloween07-Audrey-the-bear.jpg |
Thu. 1 Nov. 2007 |
Family (Filter) |
Curtis and Audrey dancing |
October-Audrey_Curtis_dancing.jpg |
Thu. 1 Nov. 2007 |
Family (Filter) |
Sarah spins Audrey on our faux-wood floor (video) |
October-Audrey-spinning.flv |
Thu. 1 Nov. 2007 |
Baby (Filter) |
Pregnant Sarah - 26 weeks along (second child) |
sarah-pregnant-26-weeks-second-child.jpg |
Thu. 25 Oct. 2007 |
Me (Filter) |
A portrait of Curtis and a Simpsonized version |
curtis-simpsonized.jpg |
Wed. 3 Oct. 2007 |
Baby (Filter) |
Pregnant Sarah - 23 weeks along (second child) |
sarah-pregnant-23-weeks-second-child.jpg |
Wed. 3 Oct. 2007 |
Family (Filter) |
Wheeler Farm - Curtis and Audrey drive a tractor |
wheeler_farm-curtis_audrey_tractor.jpg |
Wed. 3 Oct. 2007 |
Family (Filter) |
Wheeler Farm - Sarah and Audrey pet a horse |
wheeler_farm-sarah_audrey_horse.jpg |
Wed. 3 Oct. 2007 |
Me (Filter) |
My audition video for 1 vs. 100 (video) |
audition.flv |
Tue. 18 Sep. 2007 |
Baby (Filter) |
Pregnant Sarah - Sarah and the doctor look at the baby in the ultrasound monitor - second child |
sarah-pregnant-ultrasound-second-child.jpg |
Wed. 5 Sep. 2007 |
Baby (Filter) |
Pregnant Sarah - Ultrasound - It's a boy! (second child) |
Ultrasound-Boy.jpg |
Wed. 5 Sep. 2007 |
Baby (Filter) |
Sarah pregnant - 19 weeks along (second child) |
sarah-pregnant-19-weeks-second-child.jpg |
Wed. 29 Aug. 2007 |
Vacation (Filter) |
Lake Powell - August 2007 - Curtis and Brian play king of the mountain |
Powell-Aug07-Curtis_Brian_fight.jpg |
Wed. 22 Aug. 2007 |
Vacation (Filter) |
Lake Powell - August 2007 - Gibbys and Gerbers hanging out at Bullfrog Bay |
Powell-Aug07-group.jpg |
Wed. 22 Aug. 2007 |
Vacation (Filter) |
Lake Powell - August 2007 - Dad on the jetski pulling Mom on the tube |
Powell-Aug07-John_Shauna_Jetski.jpg |
Wed. 22 Aug. 2007 |
Family (Filter) |
Lagoon - August 2007 - Audrey and Quinn ride the little cars |
Lagoon-Aug07-AudreyQuinnCar.jpg |
Wed. 22 Aug. 2007 |
Baby (Filter) |
Sarah pregnant - 17 weeks along (second child) |
sarah-pregnant-17-weeks-second-child.jpg |
Thu. 16 Aug. 2007 |
House (Filter) |
Curtis removes a bird's nest from the dryer vent |
DryerVentBirdhouse.jpg |
Wed. 4 Jul. 2007 |
Misc (Filter) |
Sarah and Audrey in our new Toyota Matrix |
NewCarToyotaMatrixSarahAudrey.jpg |
Tue. 3 Jul. 2007 |
Family (Filter) |
Audrey pretends to make a sad face (June 2007) |
FunnyFacesJune-Audreypretendsadface.jpg |
Tue. 3 Jul. 2007 |
Family (Filter) |
John Gibby family portrait - December 2005 |
GibbysFamilyPortrait-Xmas05.jpg |
Mon. 18 Jun. 2007 |
Vacation (Filter) |
Jeremy Ranch 2007 - Audrey plays croquet |
jr07-audreycroquet.jpg |
Mon. 4 Jun. 2007 |
Family (Filter) |
Audrey pretends to drive our Honda |
audrey-drive-may07.jpg |
Mon. 4 Jun. 2007 |
Vacation (Filter) |
Las Vegas 2007 - Balancing act at the Circus Circus |
lv07-circusbalancers.jpg |
Wed. 18 Apr. 2007 |
Vacation (Filter) |
Las Vegas 2007 - Sarah in front of our hotel, the Golden Nugget |
lv07-sarahgolden.jpg |
Wed. 18 Apr. 2007 |
Vacation (Filter) |
Las Vegas 2007 - The Eiffel Tower at the Paris Hotel |
lv07-eiffel.jpg |
Wed. 18 Apr. 2007 |
Vacation (Filter) |
Las Vegas 2007 - Sarah and me with our caricature |
lv07-caricature.jpg |
Wed. 18 Apr. 2007 |
Family (Filter) |
Trip to Wisconsin - Our visit to the Jelly Belly tour |
wisconsintrip-jellybelly.jpg |
Thu. 29 Mar. 2007 |
Family (Filter) |
Trip to Wisconsin - The car after the trip |
wisconsintrip-carafter.jpg |
Thu. 29 Mar. 2007 |
Family (Filter) |
Trip to Wisconsin - Our new car |
wisconsintrip-carbefore.jpg |
Thu. 29 Mar. 2007 |
Family (Filter) |
Trip to Wisconsin - Curtis and Audrey stuck in Wyoming |
wisconsintrip-stuckinwyoming.jpg |
Thu. 29 Mar. 2007 |
Family (Filter) |
Trip to Wisconsin - Audrey sliding on the bouncy toy |
wisconsintrip-audreysliding.jpg |
Thu. 29 Mar. 2007 |
Family (Filter) |
(Video) Audrey tells us what's on her bike helmet |
audrey-bumblebee-helmet.flv |
Mon. 19 Feb. 2007 |
Family (Filter) |
(Video) 18-month-old Audrey and Curtis ride a bike |
audrey-bike.flv |
Mon. 19 Feb. 2007 |
Family (Filter) |
Audrey riding a bike with Curtis |
Audrey_riding_a_bike_with_Curtis.jpg |
Sun. 18 Feb. 2007 |
Baby (Filter) |
(Video) Audrey plays with her ball-popper toy |
Audrey_plays_with_ball_popper.flv |
Wed. 31 Jan. 2007 |
Baby (Filter) |
(Video) Audrey does the monkey dance with the Wiggles |
Audrey_dances_with_Wiggles.flv |
Wed. 31 Jan. 2007 |
Family (Filter) |
Christmas 2006 - Audrey and Sarah visit Santa Claus |
audrey-santa06.jpg |
Sat. 16 Dec. 2006 |
Family (Filter) |
Curtis and Audrey enjoy a snowy night at Temple Square in Salt Lake City |
curtis-audrey-snowytemple.jpg |
Sat. 16 Dec. 2006 |
Family (Filter) |
Sarah and Audrey enjoy a snowy night at Temple Square in Salt Lake City |
sarah-audrey-snowytemple.jpg |
Sat. 16 Dec. 2006 |
Baby (Filter) |
Halloween 2006 - Audrey (in her Tinkerbell costume) with her candy |
Halloween06-AudreyCandy.jpg |
Sat. 4 Nov. 2006 |
Vacation (Filter) |
Cruise - Sarah and Curtis kayak off Catalina Island |
cruise-catalina-gibbyskayak.jpg |
Mon. 30 Oct. 2006 |
Baby (Filter) |
Audrey stuck in her pajama top |
audreystuck.jpg |
Mon. 30 Oct. 2006 |
Vacation (Filter) |
Cruise - Sarah and Brad shop in Ensenada Mexico |
Cruise-Ensenada-SarahBradshop.jpg |
Mon. 30 Oct. 2006 |
Vacation (Filter) |
Cruise - Sarah and Debbie dance |
Cruise-OntheShip-GirlsDancing.jpg |
Mon. 30 Oct. 2006 |
Vacation (Filter) |
Cruise - Curtis drinking chocolate milk in the dining room |
Cruise-Dinner-Curtisdrinkingchocolatemilk.jpg |
Mon. 30 Oct. 2006 |
Vacation (Filter) |
Cruise - Posing on Catalina Island in front of the city of Avalon |
Cruise-Catalina-FriendsandAvalon.jpg |
Mon. 30 Oct. 2006 |
Vacation (Filter) |
Cruise - Sarah and Curtis in front of our ship, the Monarch of the Seas |
Cruise-SanDiego-GibbysandtheShip.jpg |
Mon. 30 Oct. 2006 |
Vacation (Filter) |
Cruise - Curtis and Sarah sit on a hippo statue at the San Diego Zoo |
Cruise-SanDiegoZoo-HippoStatue.jpg |
Mon. 30 Oct. 2006 |
Vacation (Filter) |
Cruise - A baby giraffe we saw at the San Diego Zoo |
Cruise-SanDiegoZoo-BabyGiraffe.jpg |
Mon. 30 Oct. 2006 |
Family (Filter) |
A family portrait (Curtis, Sarah, Audrey) taken in August 2006 |
gibbyfam-aug06.jpg |
Fri. 13 Oct. 2006 |
Me (Filter) |
Curtis skiing on Willard Bay in Utah, August 2006 |
curtisskiingwillard.jpg |
Wed. 30 Aug. 2006 |
Vacation (Filter) |
Our first trip to the Grand Canyon |
St._George_Trip_-_Gibbys_Grand_Canyon.jpg |
Thu. 20 Jul. 2006 |
Vacation (Filter) |
Audrey and Andrew play in a spigot after our hike at Red Cliffs Campground |
St._George_Trip_-_RedCliffs-Audrey-spigot.jpg |
Thu. 20 Jul. 2006 |
Vacation (Filter) |
Curtis rides a bike on our vacation in St. George, Utah |
St._George_Trip_-_CurtisBikeRide.jpg |
Thu. 20 Jul. 2006 |
Vacation (Filter) |
Audrey plays on the playground on our vacation in St. George, Utah |
St._George_Trip_-_Audrey-playground.jpg |
Thu. 20 Jul. 2006 |
Baby (Filter) |
Audrey's First Birthday - Audrey and others with the birthday cake |
Audreys_First_Birthday_-_Audrey_with_cake_1.jpg |
Thu. 13 Jul. 2006 |
Baby (Filter) |
Audrey's First Birthday - Audrey with cake |
Audreys_First_Birthday_-_Audrey_with_cake_2.jpg |
Thu. 13 Jul. 2006 |
Baby (Filter) |
Audrey's First Birthday - Audrey opening presents |
Audreys_First_Birthday_-_Sarah_and_Audrey_opening_presents_3.jpg |
Thu. 13 Jul. 2006 |
Baby (Filter) |
Audrey has learned to stand up on her own |
audrey-standup.jpg |
Sun. 25 Jun. 2006 |
Baby (Filter) |
Curtis and Audrey play in the West Valley City municipal pool |
wvc-pool-curtis-audrey.jpg |
Thu. 15 Jun. 2006 |
Baby (Filter) |
Audrey plays in the bowl cupboard |
Audrey_at_Home_-_April_-_Audrey_in_the_Bowl_Cupboard.jpg |
Sat. 6 May. 2006 |
Family (Filter) |
May Birthdays - Sarah and Curtis at the Restaurant |
May_Birthdays_-_Sarah_and_Curtis_at_the_Restaurant.jpg |
Sat. 6 May. 2006 |
Mission (Filter) |
Standing on a model of the solar system in Machiques, Zulia, Venezuela |
solar_system.jpg |
Tue. 25 Apr. 2006 |
Vacation (Filter) |
Curtis holds Audrey in the Pool on our vacation in Mesquite, Nevada |
Curtis-Audrey-Pool.jpg |
Mon. 24 Apr. 2006 |
Mission (Filter) |
With a parrot on my shoulder, in Machiques, Zulia, Venezuela |
parrot.jpg |
Mon. 24 Apr. 2006 |
Vacation (Filter) |
Mesquite Trip - Sarah with Audrey in the Pool |
Mesquite_Trip_-_Sarah_with_Audrey_in_the_Pool_2.jpg |
Fri. 14 Apr. 2006 |
Vacation (Filter) |
Mesquite Nevada Trip - Audrey eats Cheerios under the table |
Mesquite_Trip_-_Audrey_eats_Cheerios_under_the_table_1.jpg |
Wed. 12 Apr. 2006 |
Family (Filter) |
Sarah and I make ice cream sculptures - a New York City skyline and a die |
playing_with_food.jpg |
Sun. 2 Apr. 2006 |
Baby (Filter) |
Drooly Audrey wears a cute pink hat |
audrey-pinkhat.jpg |
Fri. 27 Jan. 2006 |
Baby (Filter) |
Pregnant Sarah - 32 Weeks Along |
pregnant-32weeks.jpg |
Wed. 25 Jan. 2006 |
Me (Filter) |
Teotihuacán Mexico - Me standing on the Pyramid of the Moon, with the Pyramid of the Sun in the background |
Mexico_-_pyramid.jpg |
Wed. 25 Jan. 2006 |
House (Filter) |
Me cutting up the disgusting old carpet we had in our family room |
House_Work_-_Curtis_cutting_old_carpet.jpg |
Wed. 25 Jan. 2006 |
Family (Filter) |
Grandma Shauna holds Audrey at 3 weeks old |
grandmaholdsaudrey-3weeks.jpg |
Wed. 25 Jan. 2006 |
Baby (Filter) |
Pregnant Sarah - Going to the Hospital to Deliver Audrey |
pregnant-goingtohospital.jpg |
Wed. 25 Jan. 2006 |
Family (Filter) |
Halloween 2005 - Curtis as Dracula, Sarah as Dracula's Bride, Audrey as a Ballerina |
Halloween05-CurtisDracula,SarahDraculasBride,AudreyBallerina.jpg |
Sat. 7 Jan. 2006 |
Me (Filter) |
Curtis riding a 4-wheeler in the snow |
Crookston_Cabin_-_Curtis_riding_a_4-wheeler_in_the_snow.jpg |
Sat. 7 Jan. 2006 |
Family (Filter) |
Crookston Cabin - Sarah and Brian and Tyler Getting Ready to Sled |
Crookston_Cabin_-_Sarah_and_Brian_and_Tyler_Getting_Ready_to_Sled.jpg |
Sat. 7 Jan. 2006 |
Baby (Filter) |
Messy Baby - Audrey Eating Green Beans |
Messy_Baby_-_Audrey_Eating_Green_Beans.jpg |
Sat. 7 Jan. 2006 |
Family (Filter) |
Wanda Slayton, her daughter Judy Shefchik, and Judy's seven children |
A_Shefchik_New_Year_-_Family_Picture_with_Wanda.jpg |
Sat. 7 Jan. 2006 |
Family (Filter) |
A family portrait of Bill and Judy Shefchik with their seven children, January 2006 |
A_Shefchik_New_Year_-_Family_Picture_with_Bill.jpg |
Sat. 7 Jan. 2006 |
Family (Filter) |
Wanda Slayton and Her Great-grandchildren, January 2006 |
A_Shefchik_New_Year_-_Wanda_and_Her_Great-grandchildren.jpg |
Sat. 7 Jan. 2006 |
Family (Filter) |
Sarah and me tubing - we almost ran into a tree |
A_Shefchik_New_Year_-_Going_Tubing_-_Curtis_Sarah_Almost_in_Tree.jpg |
Sat. 7 Jan. 2006 |
Family (Filter) |
Going Tubing - Byron After Crashing into a Tree |
A_Shefchik_New_Year_-_Going_Tubing_-_Byron_in_the_Tree.jpg |
Sat. 7 Jan. 2006 |
Family (Filter) |
A portrait of the Curtis and Sarah Gibby family - August 2005 |
Gibby_family_2005.jpg |
Sun. 1 Jan. 2006 |
Baby (Filter) |
A Christmas picture of Audrey - 5 months old |
xmas-Audrey.jpg |
Sun. 1 Jan. 2006 |
Baby (Filter) |
Audrey's first bath in the hospital sink
Labor_and_Delivery_-_Audreys_First_Bath.jpg |
Sat. 15 Oct. 2005 |
Baby (Filter) |
Audrey's Blessing Day - Cute Audrey |
Audrey_Blessing_-_Cute_Audrey.jpg |
Mon. 8 Aug. 2005 |
Baby (Filter) |
Audrey's Blessing Day - Curtis and Sarah and Audrey |
Audrey_Blessing_-_Curtis_Gibby_Family.jpg |
Mon. 8 Aug. 2005 |
Baby (Filter) |
Sarah feeds Audrey... (all the time) |
sarahfeedsaudrey.jpg |
Sun. 31 Jul. 2005 |
Baby (Filter) |
Audrey sleeps on Curtis' tummy |
babycurtistummy.jpg |
Sun. 31 Jul. 2005 |
Baby (Filter) |
A side-by-side comparison of Sarah and Audrey's baby pictures |
sidebyside.jpg |
Sun. 31 Jul. 2005 |
Baby (Filter) |
Curtis loads Audrey in the car for her first ride home |
Hospital_Stay_-_Curtis_Loading_Audrey_in_the_Car.jpg |
Fri. 15 Jul. 2005 |
Baby (Filter) |
Curtis and Sarah and Audrey pose together as a happy family
Hospital_Stay_-_Family_Pose.jpg |
Fri. 15 Jul. 2005 |
Baby (Filter) |
The nurse listens to Audrey's heart with a stethoscope
Labor_and_Delivery_-_Audrey_Stethoscope.jpg |
Fri. 15 Jul. 2005 |
Baby (Filter) |
The nurse takes Audrey's footprint for the birth certificate
Labor_and_Delivery_-_Audrey_Footprint.jpg |
Fri. 15 Jul. 2005 |
Baby (Filter) |
Curtis holds Audrey minutes after she was born |
Labor_and_Delivery_-_Curtis_Holding_Audrey.jpg |
Fri. 15 Jul. 2005 |
Baby (Filter) |
Audrey sleeps in the hospital bed
Hospital_Stay_-_Audrey_Sleeping.jpg |
Fri. 15 Jul. 2005 |
Camping (Filter) |
The hot dogs cook over the coals on the dutch oven |
Camping_Adventure_-_Hot_Dogs_and_Dutch_Oven.jpg |
Sat. 18 Jun. 2005 |
Camping (Filter) |
Sarah pretends to eat our dinner straight from the dutch oven
Camping_Adventure_-_Dinner_Time_Sarah.jpg |
Sat. 18 Jun. 2005 |
Camping (Filter) |
Pesky Raccoon at the Rock Creek campground, Jordanelle State Park, Utah |
Camping_Adventure_-_Pesky_Raccoon.jpg |
Sat. 18 Jun. 2005 |
Camping (Filter) |
Curtis playing with fire on our trip to Jordanelle State Park |
Camping_Adventure_-_Curtis_playing_with_fire.jpg |
Sat. 18 Jun. 2005 |
Baby (Filter) |
Pregnant Sarah - 28 Weeks Along |
Pregnant_Sarah_-_28_Weeks.jpg |
Mon. 2 May. 2005 |
Family (Filter) |
Brian and Dad miniature golfing in St. George |
St._George_Trip_-_Golfing_Dad_and_Brian.jpg |
Fri. 29 Apr. 2005 |
Family (Filter) |
Mom and Scott at the Dixie in St. George |
St._George_Trip_-_Dixie_Mom_and_Scott.jpg |
Fri. 29 Apr. 2005 |
Family (Filter) |
Sarah and Becca Curzon at the American West Farm |
American_West_Farm_-_Sarah_and_Becca.jpg |
Fri. 29 Apr. 2005 |
Friends (Filter) |
Miniature Golf with my roommates - Scott and Clinton looking puzzled |
Roomies_Golf_-_Scott_and_Clinton.jpg |
Fri. 29 Apr. 2005 |
Baby (Filter) |
Pregnant Sarah - 21 Weeks along |
pregnant-21weeks.jpg |
Wed. 23 Mar. 2005 |
Friends (Filter) |
My roommates at a party we had in January of 2005 - Clinton, Eric Christensen, Kevin, Curtis, Scott, and Eric Jensen |
roomies2005.jpg |
Wed. 23 Mar. 2005 |
Family (Filter) |
My nephew Andrew, sleeping in the laundry basket |
andrew-basket.jpg |
Sat. 19 Feb. 2005 |
Baby (Filter) |
Sarah looks at the baby in the ultrasound |
pregnant-ultrasound2.jpg |
Sat. 19 Feb. 2005 |
Baby (Filter) |
Sarah and the doctor preparing for her ultrasound |
pregnant-ultrasound1.jpg |
Sat. 19 Feb. 2005 |
Baby (Filter) |
Pregnant Sarah - 14 Weeks Along |
pregnant-14weeks.jpg |
Sat. 19 Feb. 2005 |
Work (Filter) |
The cast and crew of ABC4 AM Express |
am-express.jpg |
Sat. 19 Feb. 2005 |
Family (Filter) |
My brother Scott at Mom's birthday party |
scott.jpg |
Sun. 19 Sep. 2004 |
Family (Filter) |
Dad at Mom's birthday party |
dad.jpg |
Sun. 19 Sep. 2004 |
Family (Filter) |
Mom on her 48th birthday |
mom-birthday.jpg |
Sun. 19 Sep. 2004 |
Me (Filter) |
Another self-portrait |
self2.jpg |
Sun. 19 Sep. 2004 |
House (Filter) |
The outside of the house by itself |
house.jpg |
Sun. 19 Sep. 2004 |
House (Filter) |
The outside of the house with me and Sarah standing outside |
house-outside-together.jpg |
Sun. 19 Sep. 2004 |
House (Filter) |
The outside of the house with me standing in front |
house-outside-curtis.jpg |
Sun. 19 Sep. 2004 |
Me (Filter) |
My second attempt at growing a beard (pretty lame, eh?) |
beard2.jpg |
Sat. 21 Feb. 2004 |
Wedding (Filter) |
Me with the Shefchik girls |
wedding-shefchiks.jpg |
Wed. 12 Nov. 2003 |
Wedding (Filter) |
Sarah and me sharing a secret at the temple |
wedding-whisper.jpg |
Sat. 25 Oct. 2003 |
Wedding (Filter) |
Sarah and me taking a stroll at the Mount Timpanogos temple |
wedding-stroll.jpg |
Sat. 25 Oct. 2003 |
Wedding (Filter) |
Sarah showing Marilyn and Tyler her flowers |
wedding-flowers.jpg |
Fri. 22 Aug. 2003 |
Wedding (Filter) |
Sarah and me kissing |
wedding-kiss.jpg |
Fri. 22 Aug. 2003 |
Wedding (Filter) |
Sarah's niece Katie |
wedding-katie.jpg |
Fri. 22 Aug. 2003 |
Wedding (Filter) |
My nephew Tyler |
wedding-tyler.jpg |
Fri. 22 Aug. 2003 |
Me (Filter) |
A high school portrait of me |
portrait.jpg |
Thu. 17 Jul. 2003 |
Mission (Filter) |
As a pilot in the Provo MTC |
mtc-air.jpg |
Wed. 16 Jul. 2003 |
Mission (Filter) |
Me in front of the Basilica de La Chinita in Maracaibo, Zulia, Venezuela |
basilica.jpg |
Tue. 15 Jul. 2003 |
Me (Filter) |
Another pose of Sarah and me at NewsNet |
cjgsas2.jpg |
Fri. 16 May. 2003 |
Me (Filter) |
One pose of Sarah and me at NewsNet |
cjgsas1.jpg |
Fri. 16 May. 2003 |
Friends (Filter) |
Singing with my roommates at the Ward Talent Show |
talent.jpg |
Sat. 12 Apr. 2003 |
Friends (Filter) |
Our FHE group Fall 2002 |
fhe.jpg |
Sat. 12 Apr. 2003 |
Friends (Filter) |
Katie (Andersen) Christensen and her sister Joelle |
katie.jpg |
Wed. 13 Nov. 2002 |
Friends (Filter) |
Eric Christensen stretching -- the first print I ever made |
stretch.jpg |
Wed. 13 Nov. 2002 |
Friends (Filter) |
Eric Jensen feeling the wrath of my new camera |
eric-bulb.jpg |
Wed. 13 Nov. 2002 |
Friends (Filter) |
Todd Burris sporting a snazzy Boon Edam hat |
todd.jpg |
Wed. 13 Nov. 2002 |
Friends (Filter) |
Jon Ahern (yes, he looked like this all the time) |
jon.jpg |
Wed. 13 Nov. 2002 |
Misc (Filter) |
The ward prayer microphone |
mic.jpg |
Wed. 13 Nov. 2002 |
Mission (Filter) |
My companion Elder Doney throwing our convert's son David Briceño in Boconó, Trujillo, Venezuela |
davidcito.jpg |
Wed. 13 Nov. 2002 |
Mission (Filter) |
Giving Pedrito Contreras one of my white shirts when I died in Boconó, Trujillo, Venezuela |
pedrito.jpg |
Wed. 13 Nov. 2002 |
Mission (Filter) |
Teaching Homer the Word of Wisdom in Ojeda, Zulia, Venezuela |
homer.jpg |
Wed. 13 Nov. 2002 |
Mission (Filter) |
With the Rafael Urdaneta Bridge in Maracaibo, Zulia, Venezuela |
bridge.jpg |
Wed. 13 Nov. 2002 |
Mission (Filter) |
The triumphant soccer team in Ojeda, Zulia, Venezuela |
soccer.jpg |
Wed. 13 Nov. 2002 |
Mission (Filter) |
The awesome set of wheels I had in Boconó, Trujillo, Venezuela |
car.jpg |
Wed. 13 Nov. 2002 |
Mission (Filter) |
Standing in front of the Virgen de la Paz in Trujillo, Trujillo, Venezuela |
virgin.jpg |
Wed. 13 Nov. 2002 |
Mission (Filter) |
Studying in the hammock in La Villa del Rosario, Zulia, Venezuela |
hammock.jpg |
Wed. 13 Nov. 2002 |
Mission (Filter) |
Elder Martinez as a pirate in Táriba, Táchira, Venezuela |
marty.jpg |
Wed. 13 Nov. 2002 |
Mission (Filter) |
Opening my mission call |
call.jpg |
Wed. 13 Nov. 2002 |
Mission (Filter) |
With a pig in Táriba, Táchira, Venezuela |
pig.jpg |
Wed. 13 Nov. 2002 |
Me (Filter) |
After a week at Lake Powell without shaving |
beard.jpg |
Wed. 13 Nov. 2002 |
Me (Filter) |
An interesting self-portrait |
self.jpg |
Wed. 13 Nov. 2002 |
Friends (Filter) |
A vidcap of Cody Sims |
cody.jpg |
Wed. 13 Nov. 2002 |
Mission (Filter) |
Viva Bin Laden graffiti in Trujillo, Trujillo, Venezuela |
binladen.jpg |
Wed. 13 Nov. 2002 |
Mission (Filter) |
Lonely Elder Arnell dances with the punching bag in Ojeda, Zulia, Venezuela |
arnell.jpg |
Wed. 13 Nov. 2002 |
Family (Filter) |
Nathan's 2nd Birthday cake |
2010_Nathan_Birthday_cake.jpg |
Wed. 31 Dec. 1969 |